Green Virtual Care Tool


How to use this tool

This tool shows you the questions that will need to be answered to implement and maintain a sustainable Virtual Care system. You probably won't be able to answer all the questions by yourself, so identify the people that have the knwodlege and skills on the different areas covered by this toll and ask them the questions. They might be people in other departments or even some of the suppliers used by your organisation.

On the homepage, click on the button to start. Work on the questions provided and click on the buttons to see more questions under each theme. Please note that this version is a prototype with no working features to save your answers at this stage. The text you enter will not be saved or kept in the boxes. If you go out of the page or refresh it, the text you typed will be lost.

Beside the questions you will sometimes see an icon. Clicking on them will provide extra information. A pop up window will open with extra information. Some of them contain links to other resources. Just click on the window again to close it.

Below is a brief explanation of what each icon means:

Why should you ask this question

Why should you ask this question?

This icon will provide more context to the question and explain why it is important to consider those points.

Extra information and resources

Read more about this subject

This icon will have links to a page with more detailed information on the subject or conetxt of the question and listing other resources where you can find out more.

ideas that you could try

Suggest actions to be taken next

This icon will provide some ideas of things you can do to plan or monitor different aspects of you Virtual Care System.